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Magic Coin Towel

Magic Coin Towel

Excluding VAT

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Product Description

Contains and includes:

  • mazmik coin towels
  • Towel size when opened is approx. 22cm x 24cm

This versatile mazmik compressed coin towel (coin tissue) is simple to store affordable and biodegradable. The Coin Towel is clean and hygienic.

The Coin Towel is as small as a coin and very convenient. It can be used with both hot and cold water. The compressed coin towel can also be sealed with your company logo making the coin towel an inexpensive promotional and very useful product.

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Reductions available for bulk orders [-]

From To Unit Cost

1 100 £0.15
101 300 £0.11
301 499 £0.07
500 + £0.04

The following products are also in the Compressed Towels category
Box of 500 mazmik Magic Coin Towels
Box of 500 mazmik Magic Coin Towels
Box of 500 Unbranded Magic Coin towels
Box of 500 Unbranded Magic Coin towels
Bag of 50 with free carry tube
Bag of 50 with free carry tube
Display box with 10 x Bag of 50
Display box with 10 x Bag of 50
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